Thursday, January 22, 2009

My advice is always good...FOR YOU!

Isn't funny how advice is easy to give out when people ask for it. I am a pro at giving advice to people. I always know exactly what is the best thing to do and exactly how it should be done.

Take the example that happened yesterday....My sister is trying to help a girl in their ward with an online math course so she can graduate from high school. When the girl showed up on Saturday she was in an awful mood. She just stared at the screen and did not try to do the work at all. After about 40 minutes Pauline decided something needed to change! She sat at the computer and went through every step with the girl. You moms know the routine. "What is the answer to this" "I don't know" "It is 5, just write it down!" "How about this problem, do you know how to do this?" "no" "yes you do" "the answer is 7, write it down"

Pauline was so frustrated. What do you do? How much do you help. What is the best way to teach her what she needs to know for the test. I was full of great advice of the right way to do this.

Fast forward a couple of hours.....Sam is taking a math class at the college. He signed up for a lecture class but this teacher uses an on-line text book and won't help you unless you email her. "We" are leaving on vacation on Friday morning and "we" want to get all the math done before we leave so "we" don't have to worry about it while we are gone.

Sam goes down to start the math. He gets frustrated that the teacher has not taught them what they need to know. The computer program is so hard to type your answers into. I go downstairs to see what is going on.

For those of you that know me, I consider myself a math nerd. I love to do math and especially like a good factoring problem. (sick I know!) Boy this math is really harder than I thought. What happens....Do I take the advice that I was giving to Pauline. Of course not! "The answer is 5, Write it down!" Well it did not turn out too well. "We" got a 57 on the test! Do I calm down and follow my own advice now. No, of course not!

Well to make a long story a little shorter...I stayed up until 1:00 trying to do Sam's math and still did not take my own advice. The good news is that "we" decided to drop the class and take it in the summer. That means no math on the trip and only relaxation. Why is it so easy to see what needs to be done in other people's lives and so hard to see it in your own. Sorry Pauline for doubting you tutoring abilities, and sorry Sam for not taking your advice to drop the class a while ago when you learned it would not work for you.

If any of you need advice. Just give me a call. I am sure I will have a great answer to your problem.

Madilyn is 2 Years Old!

Can you believe that Madi turned 2 on Tuesday. We had a fun party at Scott and Beth's on Sunday. They cooked a great dinner for us in dutch ovens.

The highlight of the party though was to watch Madi as she opened her presents, and how excited she got about her birthday cake. It seems like time goes so fast. How would we have known then that this little girl would steal our hearts. We love you Madi!

(I know I put a lot on pictures on facebook but I wanted to put a few here for the people who still don't know how to get on facebook ;)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sweetest Note

I kind of stopped blogging for a while because my kids made fun of me. It is not that I think lots of people are reading my blog. It is not that I think I am a great writer or that people are interested in what I have to say. It is just a way for me to journal a few things in my life.

They suggested that I do an online journal instead. I have looked and looked for something and just can't find the right here I am again....sharing my private life on the web!

I got the sweetest note last Sunday in church. I have been waiting this long to blog about it because it is hard to describe the effect that it had on me. A little boy in our ward about 3 1/2 years old came walking up the aisle in Sacrament Meeting. He would stop and look at people as he went up and down. He was being very delibrate and thoughtful as he went. He stopped just to the side of me and looked me straight in the eyes with the most angelic look on his face. He reached out his little hand and gave me this note. It had such on impact on me. It was as if he knew I needed that note and he had made it just for me.

At the end of the meeting several of my Young Women came to talk to me about the note. They had watched him as he picked the people he would give them to. What a simple act of kindness and service. He gave out just 3 notes that day. I feel blessed to have received such a thoughtful gift.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To Photoshop or Not To Photoshop....

I have been practicing with a photoshop trial, trying to decide if I would use it or not. Here are a few examples of before and after shots. What do you think. Are the photoshop ones overdone?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

I just love the new year. A lot of people are intimidated by the new year and by resolutions. I personally love them. It doesn't mean I keep them any better than any one else but it gives me a fresh start. It gives me a reason to evaluate and try a little harder.

Besides the usual resolutions that I have every year like lose weight and exercise more, our family is trying a 3-2-1 thing we made up. 3 THANKFULS---or ways we see God's hand in our lives. 2 SERVICE--they don't have to be a biggy. And 1 LOVE--something that shows love to our immediate family. We are trying to record these things in our journals each night. I love the quote by Pres. Monson
"When performance is measured, performance improves.
When performance is measured and reported,
the rate of improvement accelerates."

So....that is our plan. I feel it has helped me already. (of course I have to say that, so if I only do it a few more times I won't feel so bad.)

I had the opportunity to teach again this week. I love it when you are assigned a lesson that is so great for you. I learned a ton but the fun part was going through an old journal to find some pictures of me and my dad when I was young. One is of us at a Daddy-Daughter Date when I was about 12. The other was at a YW Dad and Daughter night of some kind. The other couple in the picture is my good friend Elise and her dad Elmer. She and I have been friends since the day I was born. (she was born 4 weeks before me) Luv ya Elise and Happy Birthday.

Also....Thanks to my Dad for being the best dad ever. I think if my dad's middle name wasn't "Leonard" it would be "service". He is always there to lend a hand, to fix things that are broken, to drive or pick-up who ever needs him, but most of all, to serve his family and especially my mom. What a great example. I love you.