Saturday, December 6, 2008

Starting a Blog!

My friend Elise and I were talking on the phone tonight about blogs. She has started one and it inspired me to do the same. Blogs intimidate me a little. I like to tell stories with pictures not so much with words. I guess it is o.k. to blog a little and post pictures a lot!

We mostly wanted to share pictures of our cute, smart, and adorable grandkids! I decided to take Madi to do a little photo shot a couple of weeks ago to Sugarhouse Park. It is amazing I got as many good pictures as I did because she was more interested in "play with kids gamma"

I love the picture of her hanging from the bar. When she was a tiny baby Scott would love to show us how strong she was. If he took hold of her hands she would hold on and hang for a long time.

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